Ever wonder why are vocabulary simply so tedious to master ?
Fret not.
Let Mr Vozard teach you how to learn vocabulary in a fun way.
1) gigantic
Associate ‘gigantic’ with the word ‘giant’
‘gigantic’ = ‘giant’
= enormous; large; huge
2) shrivel
Associate ‘shrivel’ with the word ‘shrink’
‘shrivel’ = ‘shrink’
= becomes smaller
3) glared
Associate ‘glared’ with the word ‘stared’
‘glared’ = stared
4) frantically
Associate ‘frantically’ with the word ‘frightened’
‘frantically’ = ‘frightened’
= extremely frightened or worried
5) irate
Associate ‘irate’ with the word ‘irritate’
‘irate’ = ‘irritate’
= irritate someone until he gets angry; annoyed
6) understudy
‘understudy’ = ‘study under’
= to learn under someone
7) tossed
Associate ‘tossed’ with the word ‘threw’
‘tossed’ = ‘threw’
= the act of throwing something
8) infallible
Prefix ‘in’ usually means ‘cannot’, ‘not’ or ‘un-’
‘infallible’ = ‘cannot fall’ or ‘not able to fall’
= cannot be defeated
9) clucking
Associate ‘clucking’ with the word ‘chicken’
‘clucking’ = a short low sound made by a ‘chicken’
10) jarred
Associate ‘jarred’ with the word ‘jar’
‘jarred’ = cooped up inside a ‘jar’
= since cooped up inside a small area
=made someone feel annoyed or shocked